
Monday, November 16, 2009

Majority Say They Wouldn't Vote for Palin in 2012

Majority Say They Wouldn't Vote for Palin in 2012 -- Politics Daily

by Bruce Drake  

There is not only a new Sarah Palin book, but a new Sarah Palin poll by ABC News/Washington Post, which finds that 53 percent of Americans say they would definitely not vote for her for president, 37 percent would consider it and 9 percent definitely would.

Sixty percent say she is not qualified to be president, compared to 38 percent who say she is, according to the poll conducted Nov. 12-15.

Fifty-two percent see her unfavorably, compared to 43 percent who view her favorably. The numbers are about the same as those measured in July.

A Rasmussen Reports poll, conducted Nov. 13-14, says 41 percent of Republican voters believe she shares their values, compared to 30 percent who disagree and 29 percent who are undecided.
Forty-one percent regard her as representative of a new direction for the GOP, 26 percent say she is a divisive force and 33 percent are not sure.


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