
Friday, November 20, 2009

Conservative Historical Revisionism

Check out the video for the latest attempt of conservative historical revisionism.

The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 began under a Democratic President, John F. Kennedy, and after votes by an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress, and signed into law by a Democratic President, Lyndon Johnson.

LBJ predicted that pushing civil rights legislation would result in the loss to the Dems of its Southern Bloc for a generation. Disenfranchised from their cherished racism, defecting Southern Dems subsequently formed the basis of the “Reagan Democrats” that brought the Republicans to power in 1981.

LBJ was willing to sacrifice his own party’s political fortunes for the greater good of the nation.

Rightardia has referred misinformed conservative historical revisionists to Wikipedia  for a long time. In fact, the GOP is so alarmed by the truth, it created Conservapedia to counter Wikipedia. The latter is primarily written by scholars and subject matter experts who take an impartial view. 

Some of the biggest conservative lies are:

1. The US was founded as a Christian nation. The Treaty of Tripoli makes it clear the US is secular.

2. The Civil War was fought over State's Rights. In fact, the CSA Constitution had the same federal supremacy clause as the US Constitution. The Civil War was fought over the expansion of slavery into new US territories.

3. The Great Depression was caused by Democrats. Three GOP presidents were in office prior to the Great Depression that started during the Herbert Hoover administration.

4. The Nazis were socialistic. Actually the Nazis were allied with the Italian fascists and Hitler got his start in politics by spying on liberals and socialists. There was a socialist wing in the Nazi party, but Hitler had the SA liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives and its leader, Ernst Röhm, assassinated.

5. Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction, was importing yellow Cake uranium from the Niger for atomic weapons and was sponsoring al Qaeda. The right persisted with these myths during most the Bush administration.

Why does the right wing want to revise history? Well, history hasn't treated the GOP particularly well because they have been on the wrong side of most issues such as woman's suffrage, The Great Depression, World War 2, Social Security, Medicare and civil rights. History will not judge them kindly on their opposition to health care reform either.

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