
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Elementary School Students Sing Praises of President Obama

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rightardia comment: This is an isolated incident and few second graders understand politics. The lyrics are tame, but the right wing will be talking about this for weeks.

Nearly 20 young children are captured in an online video as they sing songs that overflow with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," as they repeatedly chant the president's name and celebrate his accomplishments.

Children sing songs praising President Obama's "great accomplishments" in a video that was reportedly made in a New Jersey elementary school.

The superintendent of a New Jersey school where students were videotaped being taught to sing the praises of President Obama issued a statement Thursday saying the taping was unauthorized, but failed to address whether the the lesson -- taught during Black History Month -- was approved.

A YouTube video shows nearly 20 young children being led in a song overflowing with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," repeatedly chanting the president's name and celebrating his accomplishments, including his "great plans" to "make this country's economy No. 1 again."

The video has set off families in Burlington, N.J., who say that politics shouldn't be forced on young students.

"This video is disturbing," said a grandparent named Sandy, who spoke on the condition that her last name not be noted. "I'm disturbed that someone can give their political opinions in school like this. I'm dead-set against it.

These are the actual lyrics of two of the songs and neither seems to have much political content.

click on lyrics to enlarge

source: Fox News

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