
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gallup Poll: Astroturfers did not shift US opinion on health care

September 8, 2009  

Rightardia comment: The Gallup Poll was completed before the Obama Joint Session speech. It will be interesting to see how the Obama speech shifts the debate. Both CNN and CBS News flash polls suggested a double digit shift.

We believe that a well crafted speech may have more effect than the irrational right wing rabble on the health care debate. We also think the Joe Wilson outburst backfired on the GOP. Rightardia predicts that the Obama speech will have more impact on the health care debate than the the month of Astroturfer rabble and rebel rousing.

Gallup Bottom Line

A month of town-hall meetings across the country during Congress' August recess has hardly budged Americans' views about passing a healthcare reform bill, or helped many more Americans form an opinion. The public is as divided over healthcare reform today as at the beginning of August (37% in favor and 39% opposed), with a large segment still undecided.

Although the two sides on healthcare reform are about evenly matched numerically, opponents may have a political edge. The 82% of reform opponents saying the issue will be a major factor in their vote for Congress next year eclipses the 62% of reform advocates who say the same.

See the complete poll results at

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