
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Birther Texas Ranger

Chuck Norris wrote in his blog:

I'm writing you because this is no longer a matter merely about proving you meet a presidential prerequisite in the Constitution. Refusing to post your original birth certificate is an unwise political and leadership decision that is enabling the "birther" controversy. The nation you are called to lead is experiencing a growing swell of conspirators who are convinced that you are covering up something. So why not just prove them wrong and shut them up?

I agree with CNN's Lou Dobbs, who was chastised by his own media outlet for demanding the release of your original birth certificate. Why was that such a bad request?

Rightardia comment: Why is this obsolete birth certificate be anybody's business besides Obama's? Why should Obama want to reveal private information to right wing nut jobs? George W. Bush never released his military service records.

Enjoy the Birther Texas Ranger video!

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