
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Newsmax Poll: Nearly 80% Support Palin 2012 Run

by Middle Class Warrior

I always get a kick out of some of the NewsMax articles. NewsMax conducted an an online unscientific poll and  they found that about 80 per cent of the readers though Sarah Palin helped the John McCain campaign and approximately the same amount hoped she would be the GOP nominee in 2012. Seven of 10 also believed that Obama 'bought' the presidency.

As an Obama campaign worker, I can tell you that we had three times the workers on the street that the GOP. We simply outmuscled the Republicans. The Democrats were the hunters and we were hunting conservatives. Democrats would be elated if the GOP would be foolish enough to run Palin in 2002. Can you even imagine a debate between Obama and Palin?


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