
Thursday, July 9, 2009

New DOD Policy on Gays and lesbians: Don't Tell, Let Me Guess?

Editor's Note: Having serving in the Air Force for many years, I became aware that gay people were not uncommon in uniform.

There was also a glass ceiling in the Air Force for unmarried people, straight or gay. If you wanted to get into the colonel or general officer ranks, you had to be married.

The commander-in-chief of a command in the mid-West told a colonel in intelligence he would have to marry to put on his first star. He married for the first time a couple of months later. The colonel was promoted to brigadier general.

WASHINGTON�Pentagon officials announced Tuesday a new policy toward homosexuals in the armed services, the so-called "Don't Tell, Let Me...
Read the whole story: The Onion

source: Huffington Post

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