
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Did the 'Iceberg Scandal' force Sarah Palin to resign?

Max Blumental reports on The Daily Beast that Sarah Palin may have quit her job today because of an undisclosed corruption scandal.

It is alleged that an Alaska building company called Spenard Building Supplies (SBS) was awarded a contract by Palin to build a hockey arena in Wasilla, AK. In return, SBS helped construct Palin’s home.

Apparently the windows in the hockey arena are identical to the windows in the Palin home. This sounds reminiscent of the Alaska Senator Ted Steven's scandal.

Federal investigators have been seizing paperwork from SBS in recent months, searching for evidence that links Palin and her husband Todd to SBS government contracts.

SBS has close ties to the Palins. It sponsored Todd Palin’s snowmobile team according to the Village Voice. It also hired Sarah Palin to do a state-wide television commercial in 2004.

Although Todd Palin told Fox News he built his Lake Lucille home with the help of a few “buddies,” according to Barrett’s report, public records revealed that SBS supplied the materials for the house.

As mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin blocked an initiative that would have required building permits to be in the sunshine .

Just months before Palin left city hall to campaign for governor, she awarded a contract to SBS to help build the $13 million Wasilla Sports Complex, the most expensive building project in Wasilla history. The project was bungled and it has thrown Wasilla into debt.

Alaska bloggers have reported in recent weeks that “a long simmering embezzlement/IRS scandal is still being looked at by the feds.”

Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore writes, "For weeks the rumors of a criminal investigation against the governor have been brewing. They are rumors, but are swirling fresh again with Palin's resignation. I'm holding my breath for the other 'Naughty Monkey' to drop."


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