The Motorola/ARRIS cable modems are often unreliable
Had been using a Motorola SBG6580 SURFboard Wireless Cable Modem which always seem to run slow. I have Brighthouse Lightening service that is supposed to run at 60 mbs, but the Motorola modem ran at about half that speed.
One of the Brighthouse call center techs indicated the SGB6580 has an upgrade. The newer units have a metal plate on the back suggesting the 6580G may have some sort of radio frequency (RF) leakage problem.
Bought one of these modems because I wanted to be able to configure it and to disable wireless on the unit.
When you buy a cable modem, you can set the firewall to high, disable the wireless and password protect the unit. When a cable company installs its unit, you are at its mercy.
Of interest, most cable modems have a user password and an administrative (admin) password that only the cable companies know. Try this for the admin login and password: The admin login is the last 8 characters of your MAC address (no colons) with c0nf1gur3m3 as the password
Also tried the MOTOROLA SB6121 SURFboard Cable Modem. This unit is less expensive and only has one Ethernet port while the 6580 has four. The Internet frequently stopped working after installing this unit. The transmit and receive lights would blink orange on the 6121 and then the Internet would stop. So the unit was returned for a refund.
The UBEE DVW3201B has none of these problems. It has four Ethernet ports and two voice (RJ-11) ports. Need two Voice over IP (VOIP) lines: one for a landline and the other for faxing.
This UBEE unit is large: 9 x 9 x 2 inches
In the past Brighthouse would have to install a second voice modem on a coax splitter if you needed a second voice line. "A multimedia terminal adapter (MTA), or Home Phone modem, operates much the same as a cable modem, but an MTA can deliver home phone service in addition to high speed Internet."
Four Ethernet and two voice ports on the UBEE DVW3201B
Now no longer need the splitter for two modems. This UBEE does it all and my Internet is running above 60 mbs.
Best of all, you can purchase one of these UBEE cable modems for about $16 on The 'used" unit I purchased appeared to be brand new. Although this is a DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem, UBEE has newer models out today, so perhaps the company is trying to liquidate the older units.
Buy one before they are gone.
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