Williamson, criticizing the Obama administration's policy regarding Syria, stated that Syria is "strategically important to the Soviet Union."
The Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991. Yet, for the neo-cons and Project for a New American Century (PNAC) crowd -- and it is not coincidental that Romney's jingoistic screed masquerading as a book is titled "An American Century" -- the Soviet Union and the Communist bloc continue to exist.
Romney defense policy adviser and former Navy Secretary John Lehman warned that the Obama administration was not doing enough to stop a "Soviet" push into the Arctic and Romney, himself, referred to the Soviet Union -- before he corrected himself to say Russia -- in criticizing Obama's nuclear weapons reduction agreements with Russia.
The Romney camp consists of a number of neocon foreign policy and national security advisers, including the crazed former (and unconfirmed) U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, former National Security Agency and CIA director Michael Hayden, who brought the United States warrantless electronic surveillance and massive domestic spying by the U.S. intelligence agencies, and Eliot Cohen, an original PNAC member.
Team Romney would turn back the clock and re-fight the Cold War, with Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua joining a mythical "Soviet bloc" that would justify a massive U.S. military build-up around the world -- even larger than that instituted by the Obama administration.
To provide context to the retrogressive thinking of Romney and the Republicans, a White House memo, uncovered from the CIA archives and dated March 31, 1982, from Ronald Reagan main speech writer Anthony R. Dolan (who supported the neo-con stalwart Newt Gingrich over Romney in the primaries), bemoaned the fact that the U.S. media was not reporting propaganda developed into faux news stories by the hawks inside the Reagan administration.
Dolan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Stamford Advocate in Connecticut, came up with Reagan's "Evil Empire" term to describe the Soviet Union.
Never mind the fact that the term was lifted from George Lucas's Star Wars, which is just another indication that Pulitzer Prizes, like candy given to crying babies, is merely a way to reward the lickspittles involved in what, unfortunately, passes for journalism today.
Among the stories Dolan complained were not getting traction were:
- Miskito Indians were the subject of a "genocidal atatck by the Marxist regime in Nicaragua." In fact, the Miskitos are now the target of genocide, not in Nicaragua, but by the U.S. and the CIA-installed regime in Honduras.
- Evidence from the German Defense Minister that linked the peace movement in Western Europe to "heavy financing by the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc nations."
- "Laotian tribesmen, Afghans, and Cambodians" subjected to "chemical warfare by the Soviets."
- "Worker strikes in the Baltic States."
- "A defecting Polish general reports that Soviet troops are wearing Polish uniforms and directly participating in the repression of Polish freedom." (In fact, the Reagan war hawks borrowed a page from the Nazis who, in 1939, dressed German troops in Polish uniforms and alleged they attacked German border posts and a radio station. It was a classic false flag attack, called "Operation Himmler," and used a pretext for the German attack on Poland. The neocons and Zionists would repeat this performance subsequently in the spirit of Operation Himmler).
With the U.S. media failing to report such nonsensical pabulum disguised as news reports, Dolan complained in the White House memo that "there is little understanding by those in the media of Soviet ideology and Russian history -- and the impulses to global domination that arise from those phenomenons."
Dolan criticized The Washington Post for failing to see the hand of the Soviet union and Cuba in Central America when it ran the headline: "Sandinistas disavow Marxist ties."
In fact, there were a number of pragmatic Sandinistas who saw no reason to antagonize the right-wing Reaganites with Marxist policies.
In his memo, Dolan attached an article he had written for the right-wing National Review that called for the United States to support the break-up of the Soviet Union by supprting the creation of governments-in-exile for such Sovioet republics as Ukraine.
In 1982, Dolan called for the United States to support free elections and withdrawal of Soviet troops from "the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania . . . and the inner republics of Ukraine, Georgia, and the Moslem areas."
In pushing such an aggressive policy, Dolan quoted neo-con godfather Irving Kristol, father of PNAC co-founder William Kristol. Dolan said that open talk about U.S. support for secession of Soviet republics "can do the Soviet Empire more damage than a dozen grain embargoes."
In his memo, Dolan called for US ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick to place the issue of freedom for Eastern European people on the UN agenda; a Polish government-in-exile in the United States, the possibility of governments-in-exile in the United States of Ukraine and "other non-Russian Republics," and Reagan's appointment of a "Special Commission on the Post-Communist World."
Dolan also rejected all previous U.S. policies of detente with the Soviets, including Dwight Eisenhower's "Spirit of Camp David," John F. Kennedy's "Spirit of Geneva," Lyndon Johnson's "Spirit of Glassboro," Richard Nixon's "detente," and Jimmy Carter's SALT II.
Dolan's aggressive proposals were made during the rule of an ailing Leonid Brezhnev and at a time when the Kremlin, sensing a coming power struggle to replace Brezhnev, was highly suspect of Western intentions.
Dolan and his embryonic neocon ilk were playing with nuclear fire and they knew it.
There is a reason why Romney and so many of his aides continue to refer to the "Soviet Union."
They miss the Cold War and the real possibility of nuclear Armageddon. Of course, with Romney, the end of the world in a fireball is the realization of a religious prophecy and very much a welcome event.
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