
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rep. CW Bill Young to campaign with Paul Ryan

Medicare? Floridians  don't need no stinking Medicare!

Can you guess what Bill Young is doing this weekend? 

If you guessed fundraising with Paul Ryan the author of a budget that the New York Times called "radical" and "extreme" -- you’d be right.

This weekend, on Treasure Island, Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan will be raising funds from the very same special interests he wants to give tax breaks to while gutting Medicare.

While Bill Young is off with Ryan, 

Jessica Ehrlich, Young's Democratic opponent, will be traveling to senior centers all across the district talking about the issue people are really worried about, protecting Medicare. It's clear Bill Young will always choose special interests over seniors and the middle class. It's time for a fresh approach.

Help Jessica deliver a powerful message to Ryan and Young. They have their special interest friends and we have a strong people-powered movement to protect Medicare.

With Young's help, Ryan will be fundraising furiously to get himself into office so that he can begin to dismantle Medicare and implement the Ryan-Young Plan. 

Young has already voted for it twice in Congress. If he paid attention to the people he has been elected to serve, Young would realize that Medicare is essential to seniors in Pinellas County.

Contrubte to Jessica Ehrlich campaign, an alternative to an "over the hill" geezer

Charles William "Bill" Young is 81 years old and the U.S. Representative for Florida's 10th congressional district, serving since 1971. He is currently the longest-serving Republican member of Congress with 40 years as a FL congressperson. 

He is the GOP poster child for "term limits." 

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