
Sunday, July 8, 2012

WIN: Employers plan to start hiring by end of the year, 07/06/12

The unemployed may finally start seeing some job openings as the year comes to a close. Jesse Russell reports.

According to a study by CareerBuilder 44 percent of employers have said they plan to start adding full-time jobs in the last half of 2012.

That ís an increase from 35 percent in 2011. Some of the jobs employers will be seeking to fill will be in customer service, information technologies, sales, and marketing.

Social media will also likely be a popular new job opening at many employers as they start embracing the web for customer outreach and business expansion.

The study also showed that workers who are currently employed are feeling more secure about leaving jobs. 27 percent said theyíre considering seeking new job opportunities as the year comes to a close.

If the businesses follow through with job creation plans it could benefit President Barack Obama who is seeking reelection in November.

source: Workers Independent News

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