
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GOP House of Scandal: April's Nominee

In March 2012, a Florida Republican seeking to unseat Republican Congressman Cliff Stearns claimed that the FBI was investigating Stearns for allegedly attempting to bribe him out of the primary.

Cliff Stearns represents Florida's 6th congressional district that is centered around Gainesville.

Clay County Clerk of Court James Jett claimed he was offered cash and political positions in exchange for dropping his bid for Congress. Specifically, Jett alleged Stearns offered him a job on his campaign staff, a job heading the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and a U.S. Marshal position.

Jett also claims that he has the tapes to prove these accusations.

“I’ve got this on tape,” Jett said. “This has national ramifications, and I don’t want to harm the Republican Party.”

Jett said the FBI wiretapped his phone and recorded conversations about offers to withdraw.

Federal law prohibits candidates from promising job appointments in return for campaign support.

Stearns is the third Florida Republican to potentially to come under FBI scrutiny.

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