
Friday, December 16, 2011

Think Politics: Gingrich's attack on federal judges

Uploaded by on Dec 15, 2011

Newt Gingrich said during a Fox News debate in Iowa tonight that judges whose rulings he doesn't agree with could be called before Congress to testify.

He then compared himself to four renown presidents — Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and FDR.

Newt suggested that his background in history was valuable because he was aware that the other branches could challenge and restructure the courts. He didn't mention one of the most famous cases, Marbury v. Madison, that stated the courts can declare a law unconstitutional.

Clearly, a president has no authority to call judges before congress. The pledge of allegiance is a a bogus issue because it is optional according to the courts. As a historian Gingrich know the "under God" in the pledge wasn't added until 1954.

Gingrich's activist judges comments seemed odd since the conservatives have a 5-4 majority on the Supreme court. Ron Paul also correctly pointed out that disbanding a court because of a particular ruling would lead to retaliation (by Democrats).

Gingrich was at his divisive best when he talked about the federal courts. His comments were even more unusual since Obama has been able to get less than 50 per cent of his nominations for federal judges through the senate.

The next election is important because more than half of the Supremes will be replaced. The Democrats will have an opportunity to change the 5-4 conservative majority if Obama wins.


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