
Monday, December 5, 2011

Repubilicans trying to frenchify image

The GOP is trying to frenchify its image.

Here's an example. Does this sound familiar on immigration? It should. This was John McCain said in 2008.

McCain Wants Immigrants Treated Humanely.

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain said Monday that the focus on illegal immigration during the Republican primary season harmed his party's image among Hispanics.

Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s also proposed “humane” approach to enforcing U.S. immigration laws in the last presidential debate. If Newt were elected, this could mean legalization for as many as 3.5 million illegal immigrants, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

Newt's focus would be to keep family member of legals and illegals together.

Why are the Republicans frenchifying immigration before an election? It's because the GOP may lose Arizona, NM and Colorado over this issue. As the GOP did in 2008, it will frenchify itself to present a kinder, gentler image to Hispanics and Latins until the election is over.

After the election the GOP claws and fangs will come out again for immigrants.

The Republicans want a fence between the US and Mexico that would probably cost $20 billion according to Lou Dobbs. The latest estimate we have seen is $32 billion for the Great Wall of Mexico.

This would be the biggest public works project in the history of the US and tens of thousands of federal workers would have to hired to patrol the the 2,000 mile fence.

The fence would also be a sad statement for a country that espouses freedom and democratic traditions.

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