
Thursday, November 17, 2011

We wouldn't sabotage the recovery, would we?


Congressperson Loretta Sanchez: I've heard my own colleagues on the Republican side say, "We just want to make Obama look so bad. We don't care how bad the economy gets. We can win this election, we want our president --"

Interviewer: You've heard them say that?

Sanchez: Yes. They have said that. They've said that! They've said that behind closed doors to me! They said, "Nothing is moving." They said, "We want to make him look bad. We want to get rid of him. We want to get rid of the health care reform bill." They only way they believe they can get rid of health care reform is to get rid of President Obama.

Interviewer: Who is saying that, Congresswoman?

Sanchez: Well, I'm not gonna ... these are actual friends on the other side who have said, "This is what is happening in our conference", in their groupings when they're meeting.


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