
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Republicans don't get the Occupiers nor do some Democrats

Republicans don't understand the Occupy movement at all and assume it is some sort of a Democratic invention.

Today a conservative film maker was passing out bongs, cigarette papers and peace symbols. Apparently  the film maker thought the occupiers were hippies.

IBPOE/Zogby was one of the first organizations to understand that the Occupiers were not Democratic and that Obama cannot count on their vote.  Seventy per cent of the Occupy movement are independents according to Gawker.  Most of their comments from people in the movement suggest that the Occupy movement is to the left of the Democratic Party.

Alan Grayson was on the Rachel Maddow show and he explained it this way:

I think that they have their eyes open, and more and more people are seeing the scales fall from their eyes as well. The "Occupy Wall Street" people are saying, first, that there`s no accountability on Wall Street. They wrecked our economy. Years ago, they took a healthy economy and they gave us 9 percent, 10 percent or more unemployment. And they destroyed 20 percent of our national wealth in the course of just 18 months, from the middle of 2007 to the end of 2008. They destroyed 20 percent of our national wealth accumulated over the course of two centuries, and nobody`s been prosecuted for it. Nobody`s been indicted. Nobody`s been convicted. So, first, there`s no accountability.

The second thing is that they`ve created a system that is enormously unequal. And the result of that is people are struggling to find a job to pay their bills, to pay their rent, to pay their credit card bills. According to Wikipedia, there are only five countries in the entire planet that are more unequal than the United States, in the distribution of our wealth. That`s a system that Wall Street created, that Wall Street maintains, and that Wall Street enforces.

And the way that they enforce it is the third gripe. The third gripe is Wall Street controls and dominates our political system. One party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, and the other party caters to Wall Street all too much. So, people got into the situation right now where they feel that the system is completely unresponsive, and they`re driven deeper and deeper into debt and misery.

Where is the Occupy Movement heading? Rightardia doesnt' know but we hope a third party will arise that will strip the progressive Caucus out of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has become more like the centrist Liberal Party in the UK. Rughtardia suspects would also move over to a third party in the right circumstances.

We need a true center left party in the US like the Labor Party in the UK. An Occupy political party might fit that bill.

Rightardia read today that the United States has fifth-most unequal wealth distribution in world according to Wikipedia. It wasn't this way after FDR took the reins of the country or after World War 2 ended.

The inequality started when John F. Kennedy lowered the income tax rate for the most affluent Americans from 90 percent down to 70 percent. Bill Clinton also cut the income tax rates for the affluent and the capital gains tax from 28 percent to 20 percent.

It is easy to blame the sour economy on the GOP, but the Democratic party is also greatly to blame. The majority of Americans are Democrats, but the Democratic Party has been pushed around by the minority GOP for years.

Jimmy Carter deregulated the airline industry, Lyndon Johnson accelerated the Vietnam war, Bill Clinton ended Aide to Dependent Children and also repealed the Glass-Steagal Act that was a big factor in the financial meltdown. Obama made a bunch of promises about income tax and Social Security that he probably never intended to keep.

This country needs a center left party with some balls. That would be a party that is short of the numerous vacillating wussies that inhabit the Democratic Party.

Why we do we have Occupy protests all over the US? It's because many Americans have lost faith in the Democratic Party.


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