
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rep. Eric Cantor scared by Occupy protesters

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor canceled a speech at the University of Pennsylvania. Cantor had become the target of Occupy Philly and other groups. Hundreds of protesters gathered at the university, carrying signs and shouting slogans.

Cantor (R., Va.) backed out of speaking indicating that it had been his understanding the speech would be open only to people affiliated with the university.

Cantor's office said it “was informed last night by Capitol Police that the University of Pennsylvania was unable to ensure that the attendance policy previously agreed to could be met.”

The university in turn issued a statement saying that there had been no change in the attendance policy:

The Wharton speaker series is typically open to the general public, and that is how the event with Majority Leader Cantor was billed. We very much regret if there was any misunderstanding with the majority leader’s office on the staging of his presentation.

source: Hysterical Raisins
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