
Friday, October 28, 2011

PPP: GOP could lose the House in the next election

On Thursday, the House Majority PAC released 12 polls in 12 targeted Republican House districts in the states of Arkansas, California, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Each of the House districts polled has completed the redistricting process. The polls were conducted between October 19-23rd by Public Policy Polling (PPP).

These post-redistricting polls demonstrate that Democrats will have a slew of opportunities as we seek to pick up 25 seats and win back the House including against Republicans who previously had safe districts.

“These polls illustrate that Republican incumbents running in swing districts across the country are in serious trouble and Republican control of the House is in serious jeopardy,” 

Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of the House Majority PAC, said:

Come next November, voters will hold House Republicans accountable for failing to fight for middle class families.

A recent CBS/New York Times poll showed Congress with just a 9 percent approval rating and a staggering 84 percent disapproving. 

The results are the lowest score that the US Congress ever achieved. Americans are looking for new candidates to support in 2012.

The bad news is that Intrade has suggested the GOP may take the Senate next November which would continue the Washington grid lock. 

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