
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Limbaugh shills for Rick Perry and the affluent

This is typical Republican and Limbaugh hog wash. First of all, tax cut and deregulation alone will not create jobs.
Second, we have been giving more to the affluent since the Reagan era in the 1980s.

Will giving more to the affluent fix the economy? Not really. Most of these people don't operate companies, they live off capital gains from stocks and bonds.

It's small business that creates jobs and the Obama administration has been providing tax credits to companies who hire people. Cutting the income tax rate or the capital gains rate for the affluent are an indirect way at best to stimulate the economy.

In fact, Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics published a study that showed programs like unemployment compensation and food stamps are far more effective than stimulating the economy than tax cuts.

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