
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Florida needs Alan Grayson back in Congress

Alan Grayson was one of the few Democrats in congress willing to call out the GOP corporatists in Congress. Alan has cojones, unlike some of fellow corporocrats, republicrats and Blue Dog Democrats.

Maybe you’ve seen it already. 500,000 people have.

The week before last, Alan Grayson appeared on HBO, onReal Time with Bill Maher. The subject was Occupy Wall Street. Some of Bill’s guests mocked the Occupy Wall Street protesters, complaining they didn’t know what the protest was all about.

Grayson had a different point of view:

Grayson: Let me tell what they're talking about. They're complaining about the fact that Wall Street wrecked the economy three years ago, and nobody's been held responsible for that. Not a single person has been indicted or convicted, for destroying twenty percent of our national net worth, accumulated over two centuries. They're upset about the fact that Wall Street has iron control over the economic policies of this country, and that one party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, and the other party caters to them as well. That's the truth of the matter, as you [Bill] have said before. And . . . .

P.J. O'Rourke: Get the man a bongo drum, they've found their spokesman!

Grayson: If I . . .

P.J. O'Rourke: Get your shoes off, get a bongo drum, forget where to go to the bathroom, and it's yours.

Grayson: If I am the spokesman for all the people who think we should NOT have 24 million people in this country who can't find a full-time job; that we should NOT have 50 million people who can't see a doctor when they're sick; that we should NOT have 47 million people of this country who need government help to feed themselves; and that we should NOT have 15 million families who owe more on their mortgage than the value of home, OK, I'll be that spokesman.

In less than a minute, Alan Grayson articulated what so many observers had been groping for, since the Occupy Wall Street movement started: the sense of what’s gone wrong, and the urgent need to do something about it.
  1. Wall Street has created and perpetuated a system of enormous inequality.
  2. That system caused The Crash, and no one has been punished for it.
  3. Wall Street perpetuates that system through iron control of our political process.
  4. The result is pervasive suffering: joblessness, homelessness, illness, poverty and even hunger.
That’s why it’s Occupy Wall Street, not Occupy Grant’s Tomb.

And Alan Grayson has the insight and the courage to say that.

Which is why it is so important that we help Alan Grayson return to Congress. And why we need your support today. The whole world is watching.

And that’s why that short video clip from Bill Maher’s show has been passed round and round. Last week, it was the fifth most-watched news video in the world. All the different versions that have been posted on YouTube are approaching 500,000 views, with more on Facebook.

The breakdown is 4098 “likes,” and 68 “dislikes.” Which proves that we really are “the 99%.” Or at least 98.4%.

And the first small step is to take back the House from the special interests who bought it in 2010, and give Alan Grayson the chance to make a difference for all of us. Click here, help our campaign, and you’ll make a difference, too.

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