
Friday, September 30, 2011

WIN: Families Earned More In 1997 Than in 2010


By Doug Cunningham
For millions of workers across America family paychecks have declined or stagnated to such an extent that real median household income was lower in 2010 than it was in 1997., according to Census Bureau numbers. The AFL-CIO says it’s time to end the failed economic experiment of lowering taxes on the rich, dismantling regulations on business and following NAFTA-like global trade policies because it’s only led to an unequal economy that only works for the very richest Americans. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says there’s an urgent need for Congress to pass President Obama’s American Jobs Act. With a record 46.2 million Americans in poverty, Weingarten says there’s a terrible impact on families, kids and schools. Weingarten says that with parents struggling to find jobs and overcome economic hardship, schools can be “a source of stability for families and communities—and a place where students and their parents can get the services they need to have a chance at success.” The AFT says nearly two-thirds of school staff across the country report they regularly see kids having trouble in school because of hunger. To end high joblessness and reduce poverty the AFL-CIO says we need family-sustaining jobs, more investments in our future, and fair taxation.
By Doug Cunningham
For millions of workers across America family paychecks have declined or stagnated to such an extent that real median household income was lower in 2010 than it was in 1997., according to Census Bureau numbers.

The AFL-CIO says it’s time to end the failed economic experiment of lowering taxes on the rich, dismantling regulations on business and following NAFTA-like global trade policies because it’s only led to an unequal economy that only works for the very richest Americans.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says there’s an urgent need for Congress to pass President Obama’s American Jobs Act. With a record 46.2 million Americans in poverty, Weingarten says there’s a terrible impact on families, kids and schools.

Weingarten says that with parents struggling to find jobs and overcome economic hardship, schools can be “a source of stability for families and communities—and a place where students and their parents can get the services they need to have a chance at success.”

The AFT says nearly two-thirds of school staff across the country report they regularly see kids having trouble in school because of hunger. To end high joblessness and reduce poverty the AFL-CIO says we need family-sustaining jobs, more investments in our future, and fair taxation.

Yet, the Democratic party is floundering. Little political change followed the Obama election and the taxes are as unfair as ever due to Democratic party inaction. A Gallup Poll sums up the situation for Democrats nicely:

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