It’s become common to call the Freshman Teabagger Reps in the House “hostage takers” for their willingness to squeeze the life out of vital programs which aim to improve the lot of those on the wrong side of Reaganomics, but these Teabaggers should more accurately be labeled what they are – Terrorists – willing to inflict massive harm on innocent victims to achieve political goals – even if it means the nation’s and the world’s economy crashes into Depression.
Unfortunately, rather than a leader with a backbone and stomach to fight these terrorists, we have Obama… someone who has confused bipartisan “compromise” with “surrender” and whose willingness to offer Social Security and Medicare to those who want them destroyed has done more damage to what was left of the Democratic Party’s core principles of giving voice to the working class in the halls of power than any Teabag terrorist could ever have dreamed during a Republican administration.
On Saturday, Obama negotiated a debt deal in private with Mitch McConnell, the man who said his greatest political objective was not to create jobs for the unemployed, but to make Obama a one-term President.
Given that Obama pines for Republican love like a battered spouse pining for an abuser, it’s not surprising Obama met with his turtle-looking closet-case nemesis without any of his supposed Democratic allies – who just can’t understand their star-crossed love.
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