
Friday, July 8, 2011

NMA: Rupert Murdoch closes News of the World

Uploaded by NMATV on Jul 8, 2011

The NOTW is England's best selling Sunday paper. It is part of Rupert Murdoch's News International Group, run by his protégé, Rebekah Brooks and his son, James Murdoch.

In 2006 it was revealed NOTW journalists had hacked royals' and celebs' voicemails. Now it's emerged they also hacked those of murder victims and dead soldiers' families.

For years its execs' cosy relationship with the political elite kept it out of trouble. But that may change now it has also admitted paying off the police.

Disgusted by the latest hacking revelations, many are clamoring for Brooks' resignation.

Murdoch, however, chose to shutter NOTW but keep Brooks. Will it be enough to sate the growing blood lust and save Murdoch's planned buyout of BskyB?

Chris Hayes of the Nation, who is frequently featured on MSNBC, thinks the closure of NOTW will impede the ongoing investigation in the UK.

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