
Friday, July 22, 2011

Gawker: Gay Barbarians Glitterbomb Marcus Bachmann’s Clinic

Uploaded by roberterickson1 on Jul 21, 2011

Join the Horde!
Stop taxpayer funds to Bachmann's anti-gay clinic:

Today a horde of gay barbarians descended upon Michele and Marcus Bachmann's "pray away the gay" clinic and demanded that Marcus come out and discipline them for their "deviant" behavior.

Marcus Bachmann, who conducts "reparative therapy" at the clinic intended to convert homosexuals, has said that gays are "barbarians who need to be disciplined." The horde requested to speak directly with Bachmann and experience some "discipline" for themselves.

When Marcus was no where to be found, the barbarians glittered the empty waiting room and reception area while chanting, "You can't pray away the gay -- baby, I was born this way!"

The action was organized by the same young man who threw glitter on Newt Gingrich, starting a national trend in political protest of anti-LGBT sentiments from political candidates and campaigns.

"Michele and Marcus Bachmann think gay people are barbarians?" asked LGBT activist Nick Espinosa. "I think its clear to everyone who the real barbarians are, based on the Bachmanns' archaic views on LGBT equality."

A Controversial Past

Michele Bachmann has a long history of controversial anti-gay politics, and has compared the gay lifestyle to "bondage and slavery." In 2005, she was infamously caught lurking in the bushes during an LGBT rally. That same year, she attempted to file a police report when two constituents -- a lesbian and an ex-nun -- tried to talk with her about marriage equality following a townhall event. The police department refused to file a report, citing that she was in no danger.

Her anti-gay views have been a focal point of her career as a politician, but lately she has shied away from reporters' questions about her controversial comments and taxpayer-funded "reparative therapy" clinic. While Michele Bachmann has long railed against federal safety net programs like Medicaid, the Bachmann & Associates clinic has received over $137,000 in Medicaid funds and over $27,000 in other state and federal funds.

Last week an undercover investigation confirmed that the Bachman's clinic is, to this very day, providing discredited "ex-gay" reparative therapy.

For years the scientific and medical communities, including groups like the American Psychology Association, have dismissed "reparative therapy" (also known as "conversion therapy" or "ex-gay therapy") as dangerous and unethical.

"Its time for Michele Bachmann to stop running away and to take responsibility for her destructive clinic. She, of all people ,should not be abusing medicare and wasting taxpayer dollars to practice quack science that endangers her patients," Espinosa said.

See the Gawker article at

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