
Friday, June 17, 2011

Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann will save America from itself

Rightardia has seen several versions of the Republican seven dwarfs theme.

We always considered Michelle Bachmann to be "Snow White."

The good news in the debate: no one is taking Sarah Palin seriously anymore. No one in media even covered her comments during the debate.

Bachmann may end up in the VP spot to appeal to women and to activate evangelicals who are traditionally suspicious of Mormons like Romney.

Romney is a Mormon bishop who believes in the latter Day Saints LDS "White Horse Prophesy.

"As Noah Feldman pointed out that the Latter Day Saints (LDS) were founded by Prophet Joseph Smith, Mormons have held their secrets close such as their 'White Horse Prophecy:' 

Of interest when Mitt was the head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics he and other Olympic leaders showed up on palomino horses.

Mormons believe that one day a Mormon leader will literally ride in to save the U.S. Constitution – and to transform America into the base for the institution of a world-wide Mormon theocracy.

Micheal D. Moody said, 

Mitt's made it clear to his friends that he was pre-ordained to fulfill this prophecy, to become the Mormon President who would save our Constitution and transform America as Joseph Smith prophesied. 

Moody was Mitt's fraternity brother at Brigham Young University," 

It is interesting that Scientology also suggests that Americans need a the man on the white horse to lead the country. 

So Mitt and Michelle are the latest in conservative saviors. 


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