Uploaded by DCCCVideo2012 on Jun 5, 2011
Join our fight at www.DontEndMedicare.com
As if once wasn’t enough, Republicans voted again last week to end Medicare and raise health care costs for seniors. That’s right: the GOP is doubling down on their plan to end Medicare, while refusing to end taxpayer giveaways to Big Oil and tax breaks for millionaires.
And now, incredibly, right-wing darling Michele Bachmann says Republicans need a Medicare message makeover and proposed a bumper sticker message. Republicans think a gimmick will cover up the truth. The GOP will not get away with their relentless attack on America’s seniors but only if we stand together and hold them accountable.
Now that Republicans are back home in their districts, we’re launching the Medicare Action Center so grassroots Democrats have the latest tools to fight back.
- the video shows Americans in their own words talking about why they rely on the Medicare benefits they have earned and share with friends.
- Help us reach 250,000 strong on our petition telling House Republicans that ending Medicare is unacceptable.
- Find out about upcoming Republican town halls you can attend in your area.
- Get your canvass kit so you can talk to your friends and neighbors about the Republican plan to end Medicare.
- Send a letter to your Member of Congress or a letter to the editor of your local newspaper denouncing the Republican plan to end Medicare -- and the GOP’s efforts to double down on their outrageous plan.
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