
Friday, May 6, 2011

Pakistan had clearly given Osama Bin Laden 'safe harbor"

Osama Bin Laden had been living for six years in a middle class neighborhood on the outskirts of Islamabad for six years. Most of his neighbors were retired Pak military.

Did the Pak government know Osama  was in the country? As Sarah Palin would say, "You betcha.

Government officials were paid out to remain silent and protect the Al Qaeda leader.

The Pak Army is posturing on the issue because it embarrassed them.

A street demonstrated shouted, "We're not stupid, America."

The demonstrator didn't get it. America was not stupid and did not trust the Paks well enough to coordinate the attack on the Bin Laden with them.

If the US had coordinated with the Pak Army and it tipped off Osama, years of intelligence analysis would have gone up in smoke.

Generally, Rightaria advocates following international law as a counter to the cowboy antics of Republicans like GW Bush. However, we make an exception for Osama Bin Laden. We are glad he is gone.

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