
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Security Concerns Raised Over Google Chromebooks

May 17, 2011 (1:53)

CNN: “You cannot talk about cloud when you talk about security. It is hand in hand. A lot of people are saying, listen, 77 million people on Sony's PlayStation network just got hacked. Amazon’s cloud just went down.

We already gave enough information to Google, why would I put all of my documents, all of my photos, everything that I have on line? Is it trustworthy?”

Finally, PC Magazine writer Tim Smith worries about the sort of access Google employees themselves have to the data -- and in turn, the government.

Rightardia warms that the government could examine your passwords and documents online without a search warrant and you would not even be aware of it.  Until Congress provides some privacy protection, cloud computing can be dangerous.

The idea of a cloud-based PC is raising questions about the cyber-security industry.

Sources:CNN  Forbes  Homeland Security   Affairs  PC Magazine

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