
Thursday, May 5, 2011

GOP throws in the towel on health care repeal

The GOP proposes annual Medi-Washes for senior citizens in lieu of Medicare
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, acknowledged Thursday that Republican plans to repeal President Barack Obama’s Affordable Health Care Law were “dead.” 
Camp predicted, the GOP would turn its focus to overturning what the GOP calls the most controversial portion of that legislation: the mandate requiring individuals to buy insurance. Camp said: 
Obviously, I voted to repeal the bill and you pretty much know where I am on replacement because I put out a bill last year on that," Camp said. "Is the repeal dead? I don’t think the Senate is going to do it, so I guess, yes.
The Individual Mandate is essential and this idea was originally proposed by Mitt Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. Actually, everyone does not have to purchase insurance, but if a taxpayer fails to do so he will be fined by IRS. 
The Republicans have tried to weaken Social security by allowing the affluent, "who don't need Social Security" to opt out or by placing caps on Social Security contributions. Since the affluent take in half of the income every year in the US, opting out would wreck Social Security and any other national health care plan. 
Health care needs to be tackled at the national level with a collective approach. Allowing privileged groups to opt out weakens these programs. 

The state's rights approach of the Red States has produced fewer high school graduates, lower wages that exempt taxpayers from paying income tax, higher teen pregnancy rates, higher VD rates, and recipient states that receive more form the federal government than they pay in revenues. We seen these evidence in plenty of surveys and studies. 

Conservative ideas and values simply don't work and the South in many respects is one to two decades behind the industrial north, Midwest and left coast. The South and the Red states have been dragging the US down for decades. 
That is the GOP game plan. if you cannot destroy the Affordable health Care Law, weaken it as much as possible. The average American citizen is the loser in this cynical game. 

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