
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why the Republicans are the problem in the budget crises

The difficulty for House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders is that rank-and-file Republicans' views on the budget question are starkly different from those of the public at large.

In this Gallup Poll, the majority of Republicans nationwide, 51%, want the people in government who share their views to hold out for a budget they agree with rather than compromise. 

This compares with only 27% of Democrats and 29% of independents who say the same.

We have discussed this before and Obama mentioned this during this presidential campaign. Republicans are far more ideological than Democrats and have a 'my way or the highway view of politics." This is what Speaker Boehner is running up against with the Tea Party freshmen.

Rep. Allen West is a perfect example of  Tea party Republican ideologue that sees the world in blacks and whites. See the previous article on West's ideological comments on the budget crises which he tries to compare to Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler.


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