When Stephen Colbert auctioned off his self-portrait this March, he raised a total of $26,000 to benefit students in need.
Little did the nation or Jimmy Fallon know that Colbert was just getting started.
On last Wednesday's "Colbert Report," Colbert announced that his BFFFSM (Best Friend Forever...For Six Months)
Jimmy Fallon would be matching his donation, dollar for dollar. However, Fallon, on "Late Night," countered. He said that he had never agreed to that arrangement.
He went on to announce that if his audience could raise the $26,000 by the end of the week, Colbert would perform Rebecca Black's hit "Friday" live with The Roots. Gauntlets were tossed, funds were raised, and songs were rehearsed.
source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/01/arianna-colbert-fallon-bfffsm_n_843784.html
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