
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Floridians Deserve The Right To Recall state officials like Pink Slip Rick

FL State Rep. Rick Kriseman

Florida law currently allows for the recall of local elected officials, but there is no provision to allow for the recall of state officials, unlike 18 other states. Engaged citizens deserve the tools to hold their public servants accountable without having to wait for the next election!

That's why I introduced legislation to create a citizen recall process in Florida. And to show the widespread support our bill has, I created this petition to be delivered to the Florida State House, the Florida State Senate, and Governor Rick Scott. The petition simply says:

"Create a citizens' recall process for state elected officials in Florida by passing Rep. Rick Kriseman's House Joint Resolution 785 and House Bill 787."

Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Representative Rick Kriseman
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