
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Politico: Country clubber backlash against Sarah Palin

Matt Labash, a Weekly Standard writer, said that because of Palin’s frequent appeals to victimhood and group grievance, “She’s becoming Al Sharpton, Alaska edition.”

Many conservative "intellectuals" fear she represents "the triumph of an intellectually empty brand of populism and the death of ideas as an engine of the right."

Some conservatives believe Palin's anti-intellectual populism would be a departure of conservative traditions that started with Barry Goldwater.

Columnist Charles Krauthammer said:

When populism becomes purely anti-intellectual, it can become unhealthy and destructive.” 

Republicans do not have a great tradition of intellectualism. The GOP has been attacking pointy headed intellectuals and academics since the era of Adlai Steveson.

The GOP attitude has been "don't confuse us with the facts" because we are ideologues,

The GOP thinks its the party of ideas, but most of them are awful and  nearly pushed the US into a recession with its deregulation and wealth distribution schemes using the tax code.

The GOP insiders are attacking Palin because she is not an insider or a country clubber. It is clear she did not play well with the country clubber crowd when she was John McCain's running mate.

That was an unforgivable sin in the party of ideas with its "my honor is called loyalty" approach to politics and the belief that God is on our side.

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