
Monday, March 14, 2011

Lone Star Watchdog: The government pension story the GOP doesn't mention

sn'tPosted by realman2020 at Monday, March 14, 2011

Memorial Service in Alabama For Retirees Who Died Broke Waiting For a Pension Check That Never Came
For all you Wall Street Money Addicts who enjoy you nice sport cars and Rolex watches.Yes you wearing the three piece suits that cost thousands of dollars. I wonder how you can look yourself in the mirror or sleep at night robbing the people of their substance with your scam.

I just have to speak my mind hearing about the retirees of Prichard, Alabama who have not received their pension check for 18 months.

My heart sank hearing about people who should be enjoying their retirement had no electricity,gas or other services cut off because the city of Prichard Alabama could not fulfill its obligation to pay their retirees.

Like many municipalities who were suckered into these investments of the derivative market and municipal bond market promising high returns. Instead they lost that investment and the city of Prichard came up short.

For 18 months none of the 150 people who are supposed to receive pensions.The city of Prichard stopped sending out pension checks.

Sixteen of the retirees who have not received a pension check for 18 months have passed away and the people of Prichard,Alabama held a memorial service for them in their honor.

All these people worked all their lives and payed into the fund hoping their golden years are the best ones. Instead 16 died in poverty with little to show forth.What is the bright spot in all this?

It is the people of Prichard Alabama have set up a fund to help the retirees who need assistance. For those 16 people. Those people who worked hard all their lives.Those last days on earth should never have to be a life of poverty.

This is why we need to arrest the bankers and put them in prison for their financial treachery.

Until these Wall Street money addicts are brought to justice.We will see more cities like Prichard fail to meet the obligation to send out pension checks to their retirees unless this county's leadership gets a backbone and arrest the Wall Street Gangster Banksters.


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