
Friday, March 18, 2011

Gawker: Crystal cathedral wants a straight choir

 Dr. Robert H. Schuller

The Crystal Cathedral went bankrupt which was unfortunate because Dr. Robert H. Schuller was one of the best televangelists on TV. More importantly, he really understood the meaning of the Bible and its lessons.

Unfortunately the Cathedral is now under 'new management" and one of the conditions of being in the church choir is that members sign a covenant that they aren't gay or lesbian. 

 click graphic to enlarge

Rightardia can understand why a church wouldn't want its ministry involved a godless sex scandal, but the choir, c'mon!

A lot of he'in and she'in and he'in and he'in scandals have hit evangelical churches. Rightardia thinks it's the  the repressive and inflexible moral code that eventually pushes some of the church members, usually the preacher, over the deep end. 

I'm talking about you, Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart!

Most people are aware of the stereotype of the preacher's daughter being the biggest whore in town.  Children often rebel to the extreme moral codes of their parents. 

Likewise, Rightardia also loves to point out the hypocrisy in the GOP when it comes to "family values." 

Recently resigned Rep. Chis Lee is the latest GOP family values train wreck. He was looking for tranny love in all of the wrong places.


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