
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Democratic Underground: WI Republicans think their recall is unfair

Wisconsin state Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) expressed his frustration with the state's recall laws  during a press conference on Tuesday.

Fitzgerald's off-the-cuff comments sounded less like he was mulling any actual prospective efforts to change the law. 

Fitzgerald is irritated that a significant number of his caucus members -- those last elected in 2008 -- are being targeted for recalls by Democrats.

The Republicans brought this on themselves. The  battle over Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposal and its union busting employee union provisions was self-inflicted and could have been easily avoided.

The public unions have been willing to negotiate with Walker. They have not been willing to give up their collective bargaining rights in  a state where the American union movement started. 

Had the GOP senate candidates  intentions been clear in the elections, many would not be in the state house today.

Walker said:

Yeah, I mean, I've always been a believer that recall probably would be more appropriate if a legislator was involved in some type of, you know, either criminal activity, or something that could be deemed, you know, unethical," said Fitzgerald. "Not related to simply taking a stance on a tough vote. And you know, I think there's other legislators that feel that way as well.
Rightardia doesn't recall similar GOP sentiments when Grey Davis was recalled as the Governor of California.

Most of Davis' problems started when the GOP changes federal law that allowed Enron to expand into areas in the oil industry of which it had been prohibited.

Enron raised oil prices in California which created an economic crises that led to the recall of Davis.

Davis had not committed public malfeasance or violated any laws.

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