
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blasphemy: Many Christians have an imaginary friend.

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he was lamenting the fact that his 6 year old daughter still had an imaginary friend.  

He was concerned about the fact that she could often times be heard talking to her imaginary friend, that she would regularly ask her imaginary friend what choices to make, and she would ask her imaginary friend for help on occasion.  

My friend was concerned that his daughter was being labeled as "strange" by her friends.  Or that his daughter might have some emotional problems.
I told him "fear not".  Her affliction is quite common and some people never recover from it.  

He was baffled and asked what the hell I was talking about.  I simply told him that today there are literally billions of people on earth who regularly talk to their imaginary friend.

They confide in that friend.  They ask their friend for guidance.  And they ask for help all the time.  

But even though there is no proof - not one shred in 2000 years of their imaginary friend's existence - it was socially acceptable to have this friend and to be very vocal about it.
Perhaps children should organize a religion around their imaginary friends.  No one would question them again.  And they could even get some serious cash out of it!

This friend, of course, is referred to as God in many societies.  But there are strong similarities to a child's imaginary friend . . . But no one seems to question the existence of the adult's imaginary friend.

Rightardia wasn't talking about that imaginary friend. We were talking about the other one: your soul. 

Shaman and priests learned centuries ago that they could not prevent a beloved one from dying or a wrongly accused person like Jesus from being executed. But they had a Catch 22, the soul. 

In fact, the apostles were flabbergasted that the Romans dispatched Jesus so easily. Of course, Jesus' soul, the Holy Ghost survived intact. 

Today, if you are willing to contribute money to a church and perhaps your estate when you die, you too can be guaranteed entrance into heaven, just like Jesus.

Yes, you have been "saved." 

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