
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wayne Madsen Report: The Grand Casino of North America

February 8-9, 2011
Casinos are not a solution to Florida's economic ills

North America -- the United States and Canada -- is being turned into one huge casino, where politicians receive kickbacks from criminal syndicates and illegal business deals involving American and Canadian companies.

The secretive deals involve defense contractors that are intent on exporting jobs and sensitive rare earth mineral defense technology overseas and are laundering foreign pay-offs to U.S. and Canadian firms through North American gambling operations with impunity.

That's the take by a former top-level Republican Party source who has witnessed the backroom deals personally.

The "casino-ization" of North America involves top politicians in Alabama, including former Republican Governor Bob Riley, a rumored 2012 presidential candidate.

The Casino conspiracy  involves Riley's son Rob's business operations; leaders in British Columbia and the city of Vancouver; Texas oil interests; and casinos in Macau in which the family of the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping has a major stake.

FL grifter-governor Rick Scott may be involved,too. Scott said he is open to allowing Las Vegas-style casino resorts in Florida.

This would open the door for promoters to move swiftly ahead with legislation this year that would end the decades-old ban on the high stakes games.

However, Floridians voted down casinos in past plebiscites and the only casinos in Florida are on native American reservations or proeprty owned by native American tribes.

The Florida Senate is voting on a proposal that could bring "destination casinos'' to Miami Beach, Tampa and possibly three other locations.

The term "destination casinos'' refers to the high-end casinos being built around the globe that feature entertainment, retail malls and convention space in addition to gaming tables and gear.

sources: WMR and

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