
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scott's budget full of ideological truisms and political posturing

The latest Governor Rick Scott idea is that he is going to reform unemployment while Florida is number three in he nation for unemployment.

The reason Florida unemployment is in difficulty is because the legislature didn't not raise the unemployment payroll tax in the past 12 years. 

Florida does not have a recall procedure for the governor or senators. Democrats need to get  a recall initiative on the ballots so this extremist can be impeached.

Scott's solution: take the unemployment budget shortfall out of the hide of the unemployed.  He plans to reduce unemployment benefits and also require unemployment recipients to perform volunteer work.

Again, Scott appears to be on very shaky constitutional grounds. the unemployed should be looking for work, not providing free labor to the state.

Scott is doing setting the stage for a historic GOP defeat in 2012. Clearly this man who barely won the governor's election is out of touch with the electorate.

His only real mandate is to create jobs in Florida.

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