Republicans don't want citizens to take on the man.
Glen Beck Characterizes Union Protests As "Riots" And "Uprisings." Obenshain: Wisconsin Teacher Protests Are "Reminiscent Of Greece."
On the February 16 edition of his radio show, Glenn Beck stated of union protests: "You are about to see this president start embracing the uprisings in this country.
You are going to see him embrace the teachers unions and all of the unions that are marching on thestreets." Beck later characterized the protests as "riots in the streets."
[Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program, 2/16/11]
Beck Cites WI Protests To Claim That "Evil [Is] Spreading Around The Globe."
On the February 16 edition of his Fox News show, Beck stated that protests in Madison, WI, as well as in the Middle East and Mexico are part of "evil spreading around the globe."
[Fox News' Glenn Beck, 2/16/11]
Malkin: Protesters "Stormed" Capitol For Demonstration; Teachers Used Students As "Kiddie Human Shields."
In a February 16 post about protests in Wisconsin, Michelle Malkin wrote that the SEIU "and its allies stormed in for a sleepover protest" at the state Capitol
She later wrote of teachers staging a protest: "Kiddie human shields become kiddie sacrificial lambs." In a later post, Malkin
called the protesters "union thugs."
[, 2/16/11, 2/16/11]
Malkin On Fox: Protesters Engaging In "Thuggery."
On February 17, Malkin took her attacks on the union protesters to Fox & Friends, stating,
If this brave Republican governor can stand up to the immense amount of power and thuggery, essentially, by these unions, it bodes very well for other states.b
FBN's Byrnes: Protests Could "Borderline ... Get Violent."
On the February 16 edition of Fox Business' Varney & Co., Tracy Byrnes stated
that protests in Wisconsin are "actually, borderline gonna get violent, it sounds like." Byrnes later stated:
I for one hope they lose. I hope they lose. I hope they stick their ground and the unions lose in the end.
[Fox Business' Varney & Co., 2/16/11]
Obenshain: Wisconsin Teacher Protests Are "Reminiscent Of Greece."
On the February 16 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Republican strategist Kate Obenshain stated:
We see something that's going on, say, in Wisconsin, where they have the rallies for the teachers, where teachers are yanking kids out of the classrooms and calling in sick -- totally lying - which is reminiscent of Greece and England.
RedState: "Leftist Union Bosses Also Know They May Be Losing Their
Grip On Taxpayers' Throats And They Are Desperate To Keep It There."
A February 17 post on RedState discussed the union protests in Wisconsin, as well as others in Ohio and Indiana, and stated:
As labor activists strategize for 'class war,' Leftist union bosses also know they may be losing their grip on taxpayers' throats and they are desperate to keep it there. They're not going to let go easily either.
[, 2/17/11]
This funny because the GOP was so supportive of the Tea Party protests that were organized by the Republican Party.
Now a spontaneous demonstration arose because a dictatorial governor issues a decree and thren threatens to call out the National Guard if anyone resists, the shoe is on the other foot.
Why does Fox News go schizoid? It believes the GOP owns America and doesn't want union folks messing with their man.
source: Newsgroups: alt.politics
From: Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 17:44:58 -0500
Local: Thurs, Feb 17 2011 5:44 pm
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