
Friday, February 11, 2011

NMA: Shirtless congressman Chris Lee booted after Gawker scoop

Married Congressman Chris Lee has resigned following revelations he had been fraudulently cruising the Internet looking to hook up with single women.

The topless photo Lee used online were first published by Gawker. When quizzed about the photo, Lee said that it was “all I had.”

Lee didn’t cover his tracks too well. He used his real name when corresponding with his love target — indicating he was unaware of the power of the Web.

Other politicians have been more fortunate. Allegations that John Boehner had an affair with a lobbyist have been around since last year, but have so far failed to gain traction.

Nevertheless, two-timing politicians should take note and clean up their acts before they suffer the same fate.

Guest starring Alex Zalman Kelber as Gawker reporter.


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