
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Latest Rightardia news

We got our latest Netcraft rating this morning. It improved to 6599. 

Our Alexa ratings are a mixed bag because Alexa provides a lot of information.

Rightardia is ranked 365,800 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. About 23% of visits to this site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). Visitors to it view 10.8 unique pages each day on average. We estimate that 87% of visitors to the site come from the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 71,240. Rightardia can be found in the “Blogger” category of Internet sites.

We also get demographics from Alexa. Our readers are over represented by men, most who have attended graduate schools and seniors, 55-64.

Rightardia thinks we are doing well for a blog that it two years old. BTW we will publish our 6,000th post within the next month.

We have installed Statcounter on our HTML template so readers can look at our stats. We also use Web Stat. The Statcounter and Web Stat numbers are very close.

Statcounter is interesting because we can also see what our readers are downloading. A lot of the downloads are progressive and Democratic political art.

We use art from a variety of sources. One of our first artists resources was AllHatNoCattle, but Lisa has been away for two months. We hope she returns soon.

We also use of lot of art form and the Freaking News (FN). The FN is unique because a lot of the art that is posted there is done by commercial and advertising artists and outstanding free lancers. Lt Saloon reworks old comics into political morality satire. We love it!

Hysterical Raisins' Nonnie9999, The Internet Weekly Report and Urantian Sojourn all produce excellent political art. Check out the Angry Mob toy by Urantian Sojourn: see

Mario Piperni is an architect and he produces very classy graphics. We have also posted exceptional work from Pavlovian Obeisance, Republican Dirty Tricks and recently, Flyinureye.

Our favourite cartoonists in no particular order are the Trussells from Politics Daily, Far Left Side's Mike Stanfil and Pang Li from China Daily. We just got approval to feature the labor cartoons of Gary Huck and Mike Konapacki. 

Onward to the 6000th post. if we missed anyone, drop Rightardia a line. We really appreciate the great work of the artists and the cartoonists.

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Netcraft rank: 6599
Creative Commons License
Rightardia by Rightard Whitey of Rightardia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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