
Thursday, February 10, 2011

First demo flight of Russian Kamov Ka-52 'Alligator'

From: RussiaToday | February 09, 2011

A new breed of the legendary Russian military helicopters, the KA-52, has been unveiled.

Known as the Alligator, it is equipped with state-of-the art weapons.

The machine is propelled by a coaxial rotor system, a trademark of the Kamov design bureau that developed it. The design gives the helicopter extreme manoeuvrability -- this machine can do aerobatics as a norm.

It carries three types of missiles: 12 special anti-tank, four air-to-air and up to 80 unguided air-to-surface missiles.

On top of all that, there is a 30mm cannon with selective supply of either armor-piercing or high-explosive shells.

All these aspects make the KA-52 Alligator a real bird of prey.

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