by Middle Class Warrior
I started working when i was about 11 or 12. First it was a paper route and then I moved in for the big bucks as a caddy. I also worked as a greens-keeper in college. but eventually ran out of funds during the Vietnam War.
I enlisted in the Air Force and my first full time job was that of a weather observer. The Air Force sent me back to school and I received a commission after completing Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, TX where I had also competed basic training.
I then entered the intelligence career filed as a precision photo officer and worked in large reconnaissance photo processing facility at Offutt AFB, NB.
After three years the Air Force sent back to school for an MA. I liked the Air Force, the educational opportunities and the travel. Unfortunately my wife did not. I was able to convince her to move to Florida where she also worked on her Masters degree.
My wife kept telling me that life was so much rosier in the civilian world and that government work was so limiting. She wanted me to leave the Air Force. Eventually when i got orders to go accompanied to the Azores, it was either the Air Force or her. I chose her.
That turned out to be a huge mistake. We were divorced about 1-1/2 years later.
Fortunately there was shortage of intelligence people after Vietnam War ended. I was recalled to active duty and was able to eventually retire from the Air Force.
During my break in service, I met an odd assortment of people and rogues in the corporate sector. The work was far less interesting and the pay and benefits a lot less.
My ex-wife's view of civilian life was not accurate. My ex-wife beleived that she would become a national figure in a certain medical speciality, but her dreams were dashed .
She was fired from her last two jobs. I don't think she worked again after she lost the last position.
When i joined the Air Force is was because of duty and also because of necessity during the Vietnam War. I had no illusions that I would ever become a millionaire. My profession was about service to the country, not enlightened self -interest.
I had always imagined if I had gone into corporate life first, i would have been more successful. I have met some military people who actually did a lot better after they got out of the service.
But that was the choice I made with my life. As it turned out, the pension and medical benefits are great. I am very fortunate.
I am not wealthy, but my necessities of life are being met.
During my Air Force career, i frequently worked 12 hours on and 12 hours off for 30 to 60 days or longer during contingencies.
I also participated in innumerable military exercises in the US and overseas. I spent a year in Korea away from my family. Yes, military people do work long hours and make sacrifices that few people in the private sector would understand.
It pains me to see the GOP in Wisconsin and Florida attacking government workers. These people do not deserve such abuse. This is simple scapegoating.
Republicans have been attacking blacks, Hispanics an gays for years. I guess its the government workers turn in the GOP barrel.
I view this as essentially class warfare. The government worker has nothing to do with the present economic crises. Apparently the government worker has become a convenient Republican scapegoat.
It is doubtful that he average American has any idea what a teacher, or a fire or police person has to contend with. I can tell you that it is a lot harder than what most corporate people have to contend with.
I can also tell you that workers who organize, come out better than people who trust corporations to make all of the decisions.
It is not the fault of a government worker that you are paid less because you don't belong to a union or because you were passed over for a promotion that the owner's relative got.
It's not the government workers fault that they are highly educated and you are not.
We all make decisions and sometimes we make bad ones. Sometimes it' the luck of the draw.
But I can assure any readers that the problems facing the US right now weren't caused by these government workers.
The corporate meltdown was caused by large Wall Street corporations and the misguided deregulation initiatives of the GOP.
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