
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

15,000 People Rally At Wisconsin's Capitol To Protest Governor's Union Busting

Chant: Kill The Bill! Forward, not backward!
Thousands of people rallied at Wisconsin’s capitol in Madison Tuesday to protest Governor Scott Walker’s attack on public worker collective bargaining rights. 

State workers, Madison Firefighters Local 311, students, union and non-union workers all gathered to defend labor union rights for public workers.

 "I say bull shit to Governor Walker."

AFSCME President Gerald McEntee vowed a strong fight for state worker rights.

McEntee: “This is an attack on every Wisconsin worker. It’s an attack on the freedoms of every Wisconsin citizen.

It’s about breakin’ the back of the middle class. It’s about repression, oppressing and dividing the workers of Wisconsin. Are we going to let them get away with that? No way!”

Jordan, a University from Wisconsin student from Menominee, marched into the rally with fellow students.

Jordan: “I would like to see workers to be able to retain their rights to collectively bargain as a unit and not be unfairly targeted by our governor.”

This Wisconsin teacher and American Federation of Teachers member welcomed the solidarity of Madison firefighters with other public workers and said Governor Walker’s attack on unions will hurt Wisconsin’s economy.

AFT Teacher: “We just saw the firefighters turning out, It was really, really important to see them rejecting Walker’s separating hem from us.

None of these proposal are gonna save the taxpayers money. They’re gonna destroy a good economy for the middle class.”

Labor needs to get off of its ass and  start to strike! We have a Democratic president in power. If Egypt can take its country back from an authoritarian dictator, labor can do the same thing in Wisconsin. 

Wisconsin also has a recall law and the authoritarian governor Walker can be recalled after his first year in office. 

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Harryos29 said...

Do any of these people consider the FACT that not only Wisconsin is out of MONEY but every day the UNITED STATES BORROWS more money just to pay the Debt Service on money borrowed previously....
...Workers do not have a RIGHT to a paid for PENSION: Nor free Health care.
Nothing is free in this world...if you are reaping the benifits of something ...and you are not paying for it: SOMEONE ELSE SURELY IS PAYING FOR IT.
the FREE Ride is over in America.

nam-vet6869 said...

The majority of the individuals committing acts of vandalism are paid protesters. We have all had it really great for the last several years. We played and didn't pay attention to what the Government was doing and now we have to pay. It was a shared prosperity and it will have to be a shared pain of recovery. This is just the beginning, we are 14 Trillion with a capitol "T" and we must stop the spending and get out of that debt.

LAT-Silver City said...

I noticed a comment on the home page of this website that said something about pulling down the "middle class." Uuh, that would probably be someone like the union workers--someone earning around the same amount of dollars with a good pension plan for retirement. I don't think the union workers are "rich" and I certainly don't think they are "poor." Does that put them into the "middle class?" Which describes about 90% of the people in America. Neither poor nor rich (rich being where higher food and gas prices won't stop your life style as it was BEFORE higher food and gas prices), and poor being where food and gas take a larger percentage of your income (and DOES stop your life style as it was before higher prices). Why should the rest of us support YOU, union worker, in the style in which you would like to become accustomed?

curtinrod said...

Aren't you lucky you have a pension plan to pay into? I thought I did too , that is social security. But not for long I 'm afraid. And as for healthcare Obama gave senior's a choice of red or blue pill. And you probably get the COLA senior's should get.
If any one should protest Obama shafting senior's IT SHOULD BE US!

sweetsue486 said...

Isn't amazing how the government and media are attacking teachers? If you had to put up with the nonsense from so many disrespectful kids who take no responsibility for their education; the many aggressive parents who take no responsibility in little Johnny's education because that's the teacher's job; the administration who's padding their retirement, their paychecks, but asking teachers to take cuts; and all the hours of lesson planning on all that "time off," you would say, "Who wants to be a teacher?!" I started teaching later in life when my life took an unexpected change. Yes, I not only went into teaching "for the kids," I went into teaching because I would have a retirement plan. I still have a large student loan hanging over my head that I will continue paying once I retire. So many teachers are not retiring right now as they can't afford it. I know, I can't afford to do so right now and the politics are really bad.
Can anyone tell me why the Congress and the Senate have not been attacked over their voting themselves raises? How about their taking their fair share of cuts? Most teachers I know have taken cuts in wages and benefits, lost jobs, forced furlough days just like most of the workforce. Why are teachers the bad guys? Why do Congressmen's families get social security benefits and other amenities at taxpayer expense? How about cutting these. Social security benefits should only be for the Congressman, not their families. You know, like the rest of the working force. How about the President and his family cutting their budgets. Obama and family have spent astronomically despite our country struggling financially.
You want cuts? Stopping all immigrants (illegal and legal) from receiving any government aid of any kind, especially hospitalization, would save us millions, if not billions. You don't pay the same taxes as citizens, you don't benefit the same as citizens! What a concept.
I don't agree with all that the NEA nor the CTA (California Teachers' Association) push for politically. I am sure that many of you don't agree with all of the politics of your jobs. I'll be glad when and if I will ever be able to retire. I love teaching, when I can teach. Too often students don't want to learn and won't allow others to learn. Too often the administration do not back the teachers when the students act out. Too often the teacher is blamed for behavior that parents should have stopped or that administration should handle. Don't get me wrong. I know that there are many wonderful parents who are dealing with kids who have been tainted by other "students." But, just as it is not always the parents' fault, it is not always the teachers' fault.
Forgive me for being long-winded, but the past few years of fighting for my job against administrative politics has taken its toll. If it weren't for the teachers' union, I wouldn't have known how to fight both verbal and written lies by administators. I've earned my retirement that won't cover all that I need. I'm sure I will need to find a job after retirement. Most people don't know the full picture about teachers. I know when I was a teacher's aide, I didn't know all that most teachers go through. There are always people in jobs that make it bad for everyone else. I had more free time working 5 jobs, going to school to become a teacher, and taking care of my family, than I have now as a teacher. Please take time to get more information. Teaching is NOT a cushy job!

Unknown said...

The private sector has taken the brunt of this recession, 9% unemployment, 17% if you count those who have given up and those who can only find part time work. Many thousands more who used to fund their own retirement accounts have not been able to do so for the last 2 - 3 years, and you people are griping about having to pay a small percentage into your own retirement? And the loss of bargaining rights, is the loss of the ability to threaten taxpayers to fund your cushy retirement and medical that the majority of them cannot afford themselves. Nice, real nice....
Wisconsin parents listen up!!
HOMESCHOOLING is the answer! I homeschooled both of my children, my daughter while I have held down a full time job. She just took the PSAT and scored in the 90th percentile in every category. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Unknown said...

Illinois,California, Michigan, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, to list a few. All have bb- or below credit rates. Funny how these States have all been run into the dirt by democratic leaders. The people have been fleeced by the public sector unions. Special "thanks" to socialist teachers who can't teach crap except this collectivist nonsense.Got their degree watching opfrah and rosie odonell.
Now, they get out their crying towels, because they are asked to make a small contribution to their own retirement accounts. And pay part of their health care costs.
Talk about spoiled. What a bunch of freeloaders. Good thing I'm not in charge. I would list them all in alphabetical order and fire every other one. No loss. Unions have killed the American economy and put our labor costs so out of range that most of the good manufacturing jobs are gone, and will never return until our labor costs can once again become competitive. N.E.A. rest in peace.!!!

Unknown said...

Attention School teachers, wait until you discover that your pension fund has been hijacked by your fabulous union thugs. Your precious union leaders have been getting a payola kick back from the investment agents that manage your pension funds. You are going to be surprised to discover that you would have been better off to take your retirement savings and gone to Las Vegas and gambled them away. Your return on investment ratio is so small compared to a real pension fund, from a real planner who charges 1.25% on real earnings , then compare what you are paying in annual fees... you are going to see red. That's if the Federal Government fails to steal it from you outright.
Read :E.B.S.A.regulations Federal Register Sept.14th and 15th 2010 to see details of ,how you will not see much of your retirement funds.and never pass any wealth to your survivors. sorry to have to break it to you.

Unknown said...

Take stock in this.. when the Collectivist, socialist, puppet-masters have finished their "work", you, who did their bidding, will be the first ones lined up against the wall. Because you will be the ones protesting the loudest, having been the most egregiously betrayed ,while those of us who can see clearly what is going on here,will be well prepared for the turmoil. Sorry to inform you that you are tools and cannon fodder, for obama and his socialist agenda."The ends justify the means." obama motto.

Harryos29 said...

Harry OS29 Feb 19th just hit the nail on the head. I like the way you are thinking.

Unknown said...

Some, general comments. The GOP clearly represents the top 10 per cent of Americans.

The uprising in Wisconsin makes that apparent. About one in sic Americans is in poverty. You could define the middle calls as other other 75 per cent in-between the rich and the impoverished.

By now most americans who don't watch Fox News know that Gov. Walker is trying to bust the Wisconsin union that had nothing to do with the economic crises that Walker created. Walker inherited a surplus form the previous administration.

Regarding pensions, only 20 per cent of Americans have them. That's because it is very difficult for Americans to work for the same company for 30 years. This is why Social Security is so essential.

I am not aware of any acts of vandalism in the Wisconsin uprising.
Read the article Rightardia on the tortoise and the hare about whether government or private enterprise is better.

A lot of government jobs were created by the GOP and its desire to run an empire based upon military force.

Sue--I have taught at both the public school and collegiate level and a high school teacher job is the worst job I ever had in my life. The GOP made the situation in public school with all of its tinkering.