
Monday, January 24, 2011

Notions Capital: GOP Claims EPA Costs Jobs

by Mike Licht
Marsha Blackburn, another corporate whore for the energy industry

Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R, TN-7) has performed a remarkable scientific feat, eliminating the polluting and climatic effects of carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.

She did so at a single stroke by introducing H.R. 97, the “Free Industry Act.”

The act would deny the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to enforce control of those harmful substances by declaring the overwhelming body of scientific evidence to be erroneous.

The Republican justification for H.R. 97 is the claim that EPA regulation of the aforesaid substances would be “job-killing.” As Dean Baker puts it, “Republicans call … policies ‘Job Killers’ because the media might ask for evidence if they called them ‘Baby Killers.’”

Rep. Blackburn received her scientific training at Mississippi State University as a member of the Chi Omega sorority, achieving the Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics . . .

The intent of the Clean Air Act is to improve public health and save lives, and it has done so. There are also sound economic reasons, since clean air technology products are some of the nation’s few exports, and create American jobs.

What's more important to save lives or save jobs?

We would imagine that GOP probably thinks Social Security is job killing because it takes jobs always form the finance industry and the police are job killing because it takes jobs from "rent-a-cops."

Our armed forces also takes jobs from soldiers-of-fortune. Good grief!


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