
Sunday, January 23, 2011

China's new J-20 aircraft may be using some US technology

(Jan. 23)  Chinese officials recently unveiled a new, high-tech stealth fighter that could pose a significant threat to American air superiority and some of its technology, it turns out, may well have come from the U.S. Itself.

Chinese J-20 appears to be a knockoff of the Mig 1.44.  it is primarily derived form a Russian prototype.  The J-20 airframe appears to be almost identical to the Mig 1.44 prototype.

The Yugoslav 250th Missile Brigade was responsible for the air defense of the Beograd area. The 3rd battery employed the S-125 (SA-3) SAM system to shoot down both a US Air Force F-117 and F-16.

The battery was commanded by Col. Dani Zoltan. It however, had some key advantages over its sister units.

According to Dani, this advantage was based on their previous research into the field of the detection, acquisition, and destruction of targets with low radar cross-sections (RCSs).

He said he and his subordinates followed articles written about the F-117 calculating how systems in service with the Yugoslav air-defense forces could possibly cope with such a threat.

Finally in 1998 he proposed minor, in-field technical modifications to the SAM system.

His team modified the UNV antenna unit and the UNK-M control cabin responsible for missile control (NATO: Low Blow).

They also made another modification to the P-18 (NATO: Dry Rack or Spoon Rest D) radar that provides target acquisition for each battery.

His superiors didn't approve the modifications.

He finally went ahead and made the modifications within his own unit without higher approval, taking full responsibility.

Although he still declines to discuss particulars of the "quick fix." The only specific Col. Dani would provide was that the modifications did not involve the use of the auxilliary Karat TV target-tracking system.

Dani added that the survivability of the VHF P-18 from US HARM missile launches is the single biggest reason for the command-guided Neva system's success compared to the semi-active Kub (SA-6) system.

The Russians also suggested that older continuous wave (CW) radars could detect the US stealth aircraft. There are also indications that the USAF was not varying the flight path of the F-117A's either in the Yugoslav theatre.

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