
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WSJ: Obama moves toward the center

Obama's Independence Signals Lessons from Reagan 12/20/2010 5:16:41 PM

The most important move President Obama has made since the mid-term election hasn't been toward the center, or even toward Republicans.

It's been toward his own political independence taking a page out of Ronald Reagan's book. WSJ's Jerry Seib explains.

Rightardia takes a different spin on the Obama compromise. We think the president waded into the deep end.  Extending the Bush tax cuts was a Pyrrhic victory that will raise the deficit nearly $one trillion in the next 10 years.

Rescinding the Bush tax cuts for the affluent would have paid for the Democratic economic stimulus.

The Estate tax should have never been on the table. We already have a plutocracy in the US. The continuation of the Bush tax cuts for the affluent and raising the threshold for he Estate tax to $5 million will haunt the Democratic Party in future elections.

Obama essentially strengthened the US plutocracy that overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party. 

Talk about shooting the Democratic Party in the foot!

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