
Friday, December 10, 2010

WH Blog: An overview of the tax cuts

Posted by Jason Furman on December 10, 2010 at 1:26 PM EST

The President is committed to promoting a strong, growing economy – one that’s creating jobs, fostering a thriving middle class, and extending opportunity to all American workers.

That’s why the president fought so hard to ensure that the priorities of working families were advanced in the agreement introduced today in the Senate.

Tax Credits Framework Chart

As the chart above demonstrates, the bipartisan agreement we’ve forged delivers several key victories – victories that will give the average American family assurance that there will be more money to pay the bills each month.

At first glance it might seems this was a fair compromise. but it really isn't. The high income tax cuts only affect the top two per cent of Americans and the Estate tax primarily affects the top 5,000 American families.  

The payroll tax holiday will weaken Social Security and without GOP concessions on reforming FICA, Rightardia thinks this was a very bad idea.

One in three dollars in this compromise helps Americans in the top income bracket. Hasn't America coddled the affluent enough?

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